Saturday, 28 April 2012
Taking a Breather: Paper Making
Monday, 23 April 2012
Particular Events
I am working with Peter Hobson and Ivan Reid on a project to explore digital holography and the breath. While this project develops I have been looking at Peter's old film-based holograms from a heavy-liquid bubble-chamber experiment at CERN in the early 1980's. Amongst the intended images of particles from high energy proton-nucleon collisions I have been delighted to find these traces left by other particles which coincided with the triggered recordings.
Solar Prints
Cosmic Prints
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Particular trajectories-Initial Edit

An early edit of the cosmic ray movie 'Particular Trajectories' is viewable on YouTube.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Schlieren Work

I am working with Peter Hobson to visualize the breath and the words carried by the breath using an optical technique called schilieren. A highly sensitized optical field is created which responds to the minute changes in the refractive index of air caused by breath and the spoken word. Early experimentation is demonstrated below illustrates the air movement generated by words and breathing gestures.
National Science and Engineering Week

Remco's work can be seen at the following
One World One Breath

Also a big thanks for inspiration from Dave Christopher- I know I still need to work out how to work with spray paint!
Monday, 2 April 2012
Particular Trajectories

My work focuses primarily on visualizing the breath, however I was invited initially to observe and record the trajectories of cosmic rays as they pass through a saturated cloud chamber with the assistance of Peter Hobson and Chris Selby.
These delicate ephemeral forms could poetically represent the breath of the cosmos. They are mesmerizing to observe as they unfold in the cloud chamber. Cosmic rays are primal yet this year celebrate their hundredth year of discovery by Victor F. Hess.
The images above are stills from video capture of our diffusion cloud chamber. I am currently working on a 4D resolution of the captured footage which I will update the blog with shortly.Making Visible the Invisible

Welcome to the first Visualising Breath post. As Leverhulme funded Artist in Residence at Brunel University's School of Engineering and Design, I will be producing a series of work in collaboration with members of the Brunel community and primarily with Physicist Professor Peter Hobson.
January provided the opportunity for Peter Hobson and I to travel to Colchester to work with the multi talented photographer and artist Morgana, of Iberian Black Arts, who created these captivating images. Morgana was able to introduce into the background some of the initial work on frozen breath recorded earlier that month.
Images courtesy of Morgana, Iberian Black Arts.